advice, please

List Mom
Thu, 25 Mar 99 14:50:04 -0600

Terry Kinsey said:

>>Hi everyone!
>>It's a beautiful day in Wisconsin, too, although on the chilly side.
>>If I wanted to buy a book on McCoy, which one do you all feel is
>>the most comprehensive?  I went to two public libraries, one didn't
>>have any and the other had the "encyclopedia" but it was checked out.
>Hello:  Here's the book:  Sanfords Guide to McCoy Pottery
>Can be delivered to you in Whitewater in a day from Burlington.  Terry
>>By the way, this past weekend I found a McCoy teakettle.  It's a
>>blackish copper and almost looks like metal from a distance.  The
>>handle is part of the cover and not movable.  It doesn't have a flaw
>>in it.  The best part of all, I only paid $7.50 for it.  It made my

Better yet, Donna, why don't you give us a call and come visit and save 
yourself the shipping?  You can take a look at our McCoy's or just talk 
McCoy in general..


The List Mom

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