Listmom's remarks

List Mom
Mon, 6 Mar 2000 18:21:42 -0600 said:

>In a message dated 3/6/0 4:23:09 PM, writes:
><< Margo, I have to agree with you that some of the comments that have been 
>made to Bob most recently have been embarassing. From the people I've met 
>involved in collecting McCoy, I have been surprised at this "attitude". Not 
>every one of us is computer literate or used to "lists" such as this, and it 
>can be confusing. I love McCoy, and love the emails I get, bantering, 
>helpful, and informative, and would hate to see myself off the list. It's 
>nice to know that someone else doesn't feel that this attitude should 
>represent all of "McCoy lovers" ....Jeanette >>
>Thanks, Jeanette. I agree!....Margo
I did look for Bob's email address and name on the list server the day he 
posted his problems.  I found no record of Bob's name, or email address 
(which he made the post with) in the list serve.  It is entirely possible 
that Bob had subscribed with another email address than that which shows 
up in his "reply to" field.  This is a common problem, and ads to the 
confusion involved with unsubscribing.  

Bob, if you are still out there, or on the list, email me privately and 
we will try to find out why you are having difficulty unsubscribing.


The List Mom

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