Thu, 9 Mar 2000 07:59:59 -0500 (EST)
The Pottery Festival is in Zanesvile the week of July 9-15, with McCoy
events on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. If you really love all kinds
of art pottery, there is a show in Cambridge (east of Zanesville on
I-70) on Friday and Saturday that is big. You will feel you have died
and gone to pottery heaven. Many of these same people will have pottery
on display and for sale in their rooms at the Holiday Inn at the east
edge of Zanesville. There is another show the middle of the week that,
I think, will be partly antiques. Plenty of other stuff going on
too--yard sales, antique malls with special hours, exhibits and pottery
for sale at the Ohio Ceramic Center near Zanesville. You can have a
really good time IF you can get a hotel room. Prices on those seem to
be going up.
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