cookie jug
Thu, 9 Mar 2000 08:38:24 EST

Great! I've been to Arcola a couple of times, to Arthur & Rockhome 
Gardens....I'll keep your email address & let you know the next time I'm 
coming that way. My husband & I just recently sold our business & now I'm 
able to do all those things that I've wanted to do for years, like, take off 
traveling & antiquing on a whim! I've only been collecting McCoy about a year 
& I've practically dog-eared my collector's books, because I've found out 
that there are so many pieces undocumented & unmarked, it's impossible to 
totally remember every piece, especially for a newbie like me. I've found it 
helps to watch this site, as well as cruise around Ebay & other websites to 
gain an education. I gotta go...we're heading for South County Antique Mall 
in St. Louis today....I'll let you know if I find any "sleepers"!             
  Jane :-)


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