Possibly McCoy: Need Help w/ Trademark
Bob Vogel
Thu, 23 Mar 2000 12:35:31 -0600
I'm with you guys. I wouldn't walk away from the deal, I'd RUN!
Best, Bob
List Mom wrote:
> Wayne D. Demers said:
> >Collectors beware!!! I have been following the stock market for a few years
> >now and have never heard of such a price for 1 share of stock. The fact
> >that an application with a data sheet makes me think that this person is
> >also building a database that may also contain information about yourself.
> >I wouldn't recommend spending that kind of money on only a few shares of
> >stock and I wouldn't want anyone to know how much I know about McCoy or
> >anything else. Please be cautious.
> >______________________________________________________
> Aside from this, look at the big picture. What is the product that is
> being sold? Not the stock, but what is the product or service that you
> are investing in? What is the ROI (Return on Investment) and how long
> will it take to recoup, or see a return? Run a DnB on the company as
> well to find out any financial information, etc. So far all I have heard
> is that someone is trying to get people to invest some money. But in
> what? What is the product or service?
> Regards,
> The List Mom
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