Possibly McCoy: Need Help w/ Trademark
List Mom
Thu, 23 Mar 2000 11:54:25 -0600
Wayne D. Demers said:
>Collectors beware!!! I have been following the stock market for a few years
>now and have never heard of such a price for 1 share of stock. The fact
>that an application with a data sheet makes me think that this person is
>also building a database that may also contain information about yourself.
>I wouldn't recommend spending that kind of money on only a few shares of
>stock and I wouldn't want anyone to know how much I know about McCoy or
>anything else. Please be cautious.
Aside from this, look at the big picture. What is the product that is
being sold? Not the stock, but what is the product or service that you
are investing in? What is the ROI (Return on Investment) and how long
will it take to recoup, or see a return? Run a DnB on the company as
well to find out any financial information, etc. So far all I have heard
is that someone is trying to get people to invest some money. But in
what? What is the product or service?
The List Mom
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