Off Topic - Re: McCoy posting

List Mom
Fri, 24 Mar 2000 10:40:25 -0600


>Dear Vicki,
>I am the person who first asked about the stock thing.  We got a
>letter, etc,, and my husband and I were curious enough to ask if anyone
>on the list knew more about it.
>The person who asked that it be stopped is The List Mom, the person who
>manages the site.
>I agree with much of what you said.  Some of us know each other in
>person, so some personal notes creep in.  Hope you don't mind that.
Actually, I do not remember asking this particular discussion to 
end..(that would be or the owner of the site) I 
did however add some comments about how to find out more about the stock 
and what it is about, ie., what the product or service/company is.

All I would ask is that off topic posts, not relating directly to McCoy 
Pottery, etc.. Just have an "OFF TOPIC" in the subject line.  This will 
help others who do not want to mire through off topic posts.  

Lists do go off topic from time to time, and I have no problem with 
that.. It is just common courtesy to put an "Off Topic" before your 
subject so others know that you are going off topic.  I am here mainly to 
keep the peace, make sure the box keeps running, and help tone down 
anything that goes way, way, off topic and over loads discussion that is 
not relevant.


The List Mom

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