accumulated pottery

m. jean stockton
Tue, 30 May 2000 16:34:11 -0400

In the past, I made several pottery purchases thru ebay.  The bidding and
purchasing experience was really great.  However, when some pottery arrived
at the house in shambles and a couple of pieces were unmarked even though
the seller said that they were, I began to find alternate ways of purchasing
pottery.  Additionally, after purchasing so many of the McCoy planters with
the plates attached, e.g. the following:, and others.

locally so cheap, i.e. $1-$2.50, I realized that bidding on ebay and paying
s&h was way out of my price range - I would much rather use the extra money
for an investment.  It is amazing how much signed pottery I have found
locally in thrift shops - especially around the xmas/new year holiday
period.  Sometimes, I just walk in a thrift shop and there the pottery sits
to be purchased.  I find a lot of Hull, McCoy and Calif (the cheapest) and
sometimes some nice Franciscan and it is cheap.  Furthermore, I have an
opportunity to really look it over and check for cracks and chips.

This is all to say that local market availability, in my case, is the main
reason I do not shop on ebay or any of the other auction sites for pottery.
Flora line is quite abundant and cheap locally as well.  I purchased a
beautiful multi colored Hull planter in mint condition for a total of $2.86
yesterday.  If a see a rare piece on ebay, I might consider bidding for it.
I have not purchased anything for over a year and a half.

In addition to posting to this list, it might be a good idea to give some of
the pieces away as gifts.


-----Original Message-----

I've got some Floraline I don't really want & a few other McCoy's I'd part
with. Also I've some Brush, American Bisque, Shawnee, a couple of pieces of
Morton, California pottery, etc, etc, etc.

I have sold a few pieces on Ebay, but quite frankly, Ebay is a lot of work,
think. By the time you photograph each item, load them into jpeg files,
the ads, upload the ads, then contact the buyers, wrap the items, figure the
shipping & then HOPE they send their money...ugh! Unless you like staying
glued to the computer, it soon becomes a chore.

Also, does anyone know why Floraline just doesn't seem to sell real well on
Ebay? I'm assuming it's because it's a low-end quality of McCoy.

I know I could always go the yard sale route, but I know I'd lose money,

Does anyone know how I could go about selling perhaps my pottery by "lots"

Any suggestions are welcome. Thanks!


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