Brown Drip Mccoy

Sherri Napier
Tue, 30 May 2000 18:41:35 -0700 (PDT)

HI!  Just got around to checking my email.  I would
like a list and price of any Brown Drip Mccoy you
would like to part with.  I have been collecting it
since the 70's and have quite a collection but I am
always looking for pieces that I either don't have.  
--- wrote:
> Hi, everybody...does anyone have any suggestions for
> me on the best way to 
> get rid of pottery I have accumulated that I really
> don't want now? You know 
> how it is...the longer you collect, the more
> selective you become. Over the 
> course of just about a year, I've collected WAY too
> much pottery! 
> I've got some Floraline I don't really want & a few
> other McCoy's I'd part 
> with. Also I've some Brush, American Bisque,
> Shawnee, a couple of pieces of 
> Morton, California pottery, etc, etc, etc.
> I have sold a few pieces on Ebay, but quite frankly,
> Ebay is a lot of work, I 
> think. By the time you photograph each item, load
> them into jpeg files, write 
> the ads, upload the ads, then contact the buyers,
> wrap the items, figure the 
> shipping & then HOPE they send their money...ugh!
> Unless you like staying 
> glued to the computer, it soon becomes a chore.
> Do any of you have antique booths? I'm thinking of
> doing that, but I've 
> noticed the malls I frequent, it doesn't seem to me
> there's a very good 
> turnover on some of these items. I can't see how
> they're making any money by 
> the time they're paying their rent & commission.
> Also, does anyone know why Floraline just doesn't
> seem to sell real well on 
> Ebay? I'm assuming it's because it's a low-end
> quality of McCoy.
> I know I could always go the yard sale route, but I
> know I'd lose money, then.
> Does anyone know how I could go about selling
> perhaps my pottery by "lots" 
> online?
> Any suggestions are welcome. Thanks!
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