[Mccoypottery-talk] Martha and Chiquita tape
Wed, 11 Oct 2000 13:42:19 EDT
Hi All,
Chiquita, you did a great job! What was it like meeting Martha? I only wish
they did the whole show with you but it was a good touch to have the cookie
jars on the shelves while they were baking cookies. I taped the show with a
new VCR and later found that it taped channel 4 while I was watching Martha
on channel 2! I would love to get a copy. When someone gets it together, let
us all know how much and where to send the money and address.
On another note, I got a great buy this past week-end. I left a bid on a bid
board auction for a #7 oil/sand vase in light green. It was on a back shelf
and only marked "old stoneware vase, minimum bid $25." I bid $35 and forgot
about it until I was in Pennsylvania again and stopped in. It is mine! I have
been starting to sell on-line and was going to sell it but, as usually
happens, I fell in love with it and can't let it go.
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