[Mccoypottery-talk] Cookie Jar Question

dmrcunni@ACS.EKU.EDU dmrcunni@ACS.EKU.EDU
Fri, 19 Jan 2001 15:18:52 +0000

You're right, Chiquita!  I forgot about the Circus Wagon having a clown top.  
Mine is the round cookie jar.  Did they ever come without any paint?  I thought 
about painting it, but was afraid I might ruin whatever value it has.  Beth
Beth, if you're talking about the round jar with crackers on the sides, I 
> don't think not having the paint drastically alters the price...it would be 
> an easy one to paint yourself.....If you're talking about the Circus wagon, 
> (both have clowns on the lid) that decoration is decals and it makes a big 
> difference in value. Chiquita
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