[Mccoypottery-talk] Alladin teapot cookie jar

Mary Anne Smatana memo@tcsinternet.net
Tue, 23 Jan 2001 13:03:58 -0500

I have a question for any of you mccoy experts out there.  I came across an aladdin
teapot cookie jar for $19.99.  It is in good shape as far as chips and cracks, but the
paint is chipping off.  I saw one sell on ebay for 39.00  that appeared to be in mint
condition  and was wondering if you think it would be a good buy.   The book value says
50 to 70.  Please help so I don't miss a good buy if indeed that is what it is!
Thanks in advance!
Mary Anne


> Judy,
> Harold Nichols' book on McCoy cookie jars shows this stump with a
> mushroom top, a rabbit top, and a squirrel top.  The color of the stump
> is darker and the top a bit different, but that is not unusual.  Your
> jar was made about 1972.  I am not a cookie jar collector, so I don't
> know a value.  The book gave $20-$25 in 1987.
> Elizabeth
> http://community.webtv.net/revaughn/LizsStuffThings
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