[Mccoypottery-talk] Bowls not marked McCoy

Edenhl@aol.com Edenhl@aol.com
Fri, 21 Sep 2001 19:46:58 EDT

Hi, I have friends who escaped the WTC and a friend who is still missing.  
Frankly, I am grateful for the distraction of the McCoy discussions.  I 
rarely participate, but I've been a faithful "lurker."

In a message dated 9/21/01 18:29:15, sl_napier@yahoo.com writes:

<< WE do support our people and troops who are fighting
both over seas and "if you have not noticed" OUR OWN
HOME-GROUND.  "Discussing pottery" and getting on with
the mission of life and liberty will be the only way
to make sure that the terriorists will not win.  The
terrorist can win both with violence, fear and
economics.  If you are not interested in our
discussion, just sign off of this site.  
God will bless and has blessed America. 
--- IcubytheC@aol.com wrote:
> Never ming talking about pottery. Lets support our
> people and troops as they 
> fight the good fight over seas. God bless America
> and let freedom ring,loud 
> and clear.


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