[Mccoypottery-talk] Biagi-Yard Sales

Biagi davie@charter.net
Sat, 29 Sep 2001 22:59:35 -0400

I wonder about the best strategy for yard sale finds. Is the
multi family, church rummage sale the way to go or is my
best bet the uninformed, individual /moving sale? I would
guess the best finds would be at estate sales, but
fortunately, in our small town, we have at most one estate
sale a year.

I keep thinking if I check out the antique/collectible
stores in the smallest towns in the area, then maybe they
will not have heard of McCoy pottery and will let me take
those heavy old planters off their hands for a small price.
I am starting to run out of small towns, though.

Has anybody tried going door to door? :)

-----Original Message-----
From: mccoypottery-talk-admin@lists.mccoypottery.com
Behalf Of
Sherri Napier
Sent: Saturday, September 29, 2001 6:09 PM
To: mccoypottery-talk@lists.mccoypottery.com
Subject: RE: [Mccoypottery-talk] Biagi-Yard Sales

My mother is an avid yard saler.  Just about every
saturday and she has brought me many pieces.  Price
range between .25 to $25 dollars.  One piece she
bought this year was bought for $2 and worth $45. A
lot depends on where you yard sale at.

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