[Mccoypottery-talk] Biagi-Yard Sales

McQuita@aol.com McQuita@aol.com
Sun, 30 Sep 2001 09:36:03 EDT

Ann and everyone else. McCoy didn't make a red riding hood so if you see it 
and it's marked McCoy, run away from it....unless you choose to confront the 
seller about selling fakes.  Brush did make the cow with kitten on it's back 
but it's not McCoy...it's Brush.  I don't know if the reproducers have done 
it and marked it McCoy or not....Beware...Hanson/Nissen/Hanson, vol. 2...is a 
wonderful and up-to-date book that includes McCoy cookie jars.  Would make a 
good guide for you to study....If it's not there, chances it is NOT a mccoy 
cookie jar.  Chiquita

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