[Mccoypottery-talk] Re:Violin Wall pocket and Mr. Peanut Cookie Jar

Madonna Kay Webb butcherholler1@classiconline.net
Sun, 8 Dec 2002 21:13:44 -0600

I have a couple questions,  I am new to this and I don't know what HNH is??
I believe this violin wall pocket has been painted over it appears to have
white and pink under gold paint.  The paint is not in good shape on this
wallpocket but there are no chips or cracks.  They were my mothers I found
them all wraped in newspaper and when I was unwrapping them the part of the
paint came off and exposed the paint or color under the gold paint that
appeared to cover the whole violin.  I have two of them.
-----Original Message-----
From: Betty F. Nelson <bettyfnelson@mchsi.com>
To: mccoypottery-talk@lists.mccoypottery.com
Date: Sunday, December 08, 2002 3:31 PM
Subject: [Mccoypottery-talk] Re:Violin Wall pocket and Mr. Peanut Cookie Jar

>I am sorry that I hit the delete button so I can't use anyones name but I
>have checked in my
>books and I have found the Violin wallpocket.  It is on page127 of HNH Vol
>II it is shown in a
>"unusual color" white with gold trim.  It is from the mid 50's and don't I
>wish I had the one mom had on her wall in the mid 50's, its value is given
>as $150-200!!
>It says it should be 10 1/4" tall.  It also says it should be marked McCoy.
>There have been many wallpockets copied, are you sure yours don't have a
>mark on it?  I hope you do have.
>There is a peanut McCoy cookie jar.  You have to use your imagination to
>even try to imagine what made them call this a peanut.  No resemblance to a
>Planters Mr Peanut.  Don't even look like a peanut, it is a yellow jar that
>says Cookies on it' but the index of all McCoy cookie jars in Vol.II HNH it
>is called a peanut and you can see it on page 281.  I wasn't impressed and
>didn't even write down the value but I believe it was $40-50.
>Hope that helps some.    Betty the Okie in Iowa.   (I have no McCoy to
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