[Mccoypottery-talk] McCoy Repros

Betty F. Nelson bettyfnelson@home.com
Tue, 05 Feb 2002 04:46:54 -0600

Jbarnes5050@aol.com wrote:

> Same here in Kansas City, Mo. Really bad storm

How long were you out of electricity?  I have seen pictures of KC and it
looks awful.  I feel very sorry for any one that the ice hit. In parts
of the country where they never have ice storms they just don't
understand.  One time I had a brother in law that had been raised in NJ
and when he heard ice storms in Ok discussed he had insisted they had
ice storms and they just called it sleet.  No one could convince him
there was a difference until he was in that first ice storm.  Hurricanes
you sit and watch come at you for a week, Tornados get you in minutes
but that darned ice just builds up right before your eyes and destroys
all the trees and lines and you can't do a thing to stop it.
I liked the comment someone made about pottery and glass being viewed
with a different eye out in Calif. because of the earthquakes.
I think I speak for every one on this list when I send condolences to
you , Barb Crews and everyone else that had the loss of trees and
landscaping that Barb's pictures showed.
Betty the Okie in Iowa

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