[Mccoypottery-talk] McCoy in current issue of "Old-HouseInteriors"
Patti, Greg (Jim) & sync-hronicity
Wed, 23 Jan 2002 09:35:25 -0500
Hi , I usually lurk most of the time usually I only have time to read these LOL.
My Name Is Patti I am a seller as well as a pottery collector I have been in the
biz for over 30 years as was My Father and so on American Pottery and Porcelain
being my favorite area . Brush had its own company for a long time after the split with
McCoy .. yes there is a lot out there much hard to Identify because it was either
unmarked or just had numbers with no name or just marked USA. It can be confused
with some Hull, Shawnee and McCoy. There Is A brush Pottery Guide I am not sure
of the Author I think the title is The brush pottery Collectors Guide, I have one
but it is stored away right now with most of my other Pottery guides we are always
renovating something so I can't keep a lot of stuff out where I can easily get
to it right now . Much of Brush unmarked can be identified by the way the bottom
is most are unglazed and flat almost totally smooth with no markings some
have raised parts like long short feet they may be straight or angled like a V.
Mostly Brush was basically a lower end line of pottery like planters and vases
with a few art lines there are some nice pieces and has recently become
popular due to the affordability of buying especially to a beginning pottery
collector with a limited budget.
Ruth Ann Look wrote:
> Elizabeth, Thanks for the info too, but this is the very first piece of
> Brush I have ever seen. Is there not a lot of it out there? Ruth Ann
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