[Mccoypottery-talk] Fayes Fakes

Terry Kinsey mccoy@mccoypottery.com
Wed, 9 Oct 2002 13:53:37 -0500

Strange enough there is an article on msnbc today about ebay and 
fraud.  See the following URL:
http://www.msnbc.com/news/809148.asp   Terry

>I was one of those people who bought one of Fayes Fakes.  When I figured it
>out, I emailed her and ask to return it because it was misrepresented. Her
>response was:  I'm sorry that you are unhappy with your purchase, but that
>the shoe was a McCoy.  Made by the new McCoy Pottery Co. in Tennessee.  She
>did take the shoe back and refunded my money, but I had to pay for the
>shipping both ways.  Lesson learned.
>I started doing some checking on my own and found out that the original
>McCoy Pottery Co. never copyrighted their trademark.  The Co. was sold in
>1985 to Ralph Porto, he did not resister the name until 1991.  This was a
>year after the company closed in 1990.   Then in 1992 Roger Jensen of
>Tennessee also registered the McCoy name.  His company was called "The New
>McCoy Pottery".  He had so much controversy over using the trademark on his
>cookie jars that he stopped using "McCoy" and began marking them with
>"Brush-McCoy". This was still being challenged, so as of 1997 Jensen was no
>longer LEGALLY able to use the word McCoy in any manner on his jars.  Then
>he started marking them "B.M.Hull", if marked.
>So all of the pottery that Faye describes as having crazing, no damage, good
>color and so on; were made from 92-97.
>It is ashamed that she is so deceitful and gets away with it. But, now we
>know who not to buy from.
>I hope this was helpful.
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