[Mccoypottery-talk] Wish we could find a way to stop this

John Melson jemmelson39@yahoo.com
Tue, 1 Apr 2003 05:39:44 -0800 (PST)

 Hello Joe ,  Wouldn/t you think e-bay would be held accountable to if they let this practice go on ? I have bought online pottery stuff but nothing from e-bay . If you find a deal then you have to wonder why is it so cheap or is it a fake ? I would think fraud in this country is a big thing but i guess e-bay is bigger then us ,so that doesn't aply  to them as it does to us .     John
 Joe Pulliam <jfpulliam@attbi.com> wrote:Patti, All e bay is is a venue. They wont do a thing about Miss Faye and the
likes. If you remeber back a while ago I complained loud and pretty regular
about Miss Faye and rock of memeories. All it did was get my account
supended for something really stupid ( Registeration something or another.
Took me about 2 weeks of sending faxes with my licences, then a bill with my
name appearing in it, ect. They dont care who gets ripped, just the fees are
----- Original Message -----
From: "Patti" 
Sent: Monday, March 31, 2003 8:23 PM
Subject: Re: [Mccoypottery-talk] Wish we could find a way to stop this

> Sounds like she got stuck with the fakes and now has to try and get
> rid of them . am I correct in thinking ebay has a rule about selling
> repos if it is stated that it is?
> --
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> Bravenet.com - Free Web Tools for Webmasters
> http://www.bravenet.com/?afilid=780779936
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