[Mccoypottery-talk] Fakes!!!
waren sadler
Wed, 02 Apr 2003 18:45:38 -0600
Patti wrote:
> So
> how can they use the McCoy trade mark or name ?
> Simple Jenson who is in the same area as fay is a potter Nelson went to
> see him he more or less told Nelson tough I own the mark!! This guy did
> spend time in Jail but went right back to making this stuff. In 1991
> jenson registered that trade mark to won it he started doing copies of
> cookie jars as well as new items like stuff made from molds he buys
> on ebay and sells them to others as new items he was making them in
> his garage he advertises on ebay in his me page that he owns the New
> Mccoy Pottery Company!! I emailed him under the guise of asking about
> an item he had up for bid an original signed item he made calling it
> New Mccoy . I then showed the email to nelson .
> This guy is in tennesseee just like faye and the other person
> coincidence I don't think so. he has beeen doing this for years . I
> checked on that mark yes he did own it but as of 1998 for some
> reason he lost ownership if he doesn't know this I don't know why. It
> is in the trademark registry as last owner bing Peter Jenson of tenn.
> but its classified as Dead no owner. So really anyone can go in and
> apply for ownership and register that mark its up for grabs.
> This guy lives in tenn but sell throuh a couple in florida using thier
> ebay and claiming he lives inflorida I can't quite remember exactly
> the user ID I know it had gulftreasues in it but gulf tresures
> itself is owned by a legitimate person it may be south gulf o r nothe
> gulf I am not sure I tried to find him again but wasn't sucesssful. as
> long as he thinks he owns the trademark and ebay believes he does then
> they can sell this stuff noboy says its the originl comapny .
> --
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