[Mccoypottery-talk] Fakes!!!
John Melson
Wed, 2 Apr 2003 23:41:02 -0800 (PST)
All you have to do is make a product that is original ,made buy you or your company an put your name or companys name on it anywhere .The cost of register is nothing but your mark will stand forever .Unless you sell to somebody else.I learned to make molds before i ever collected pottery.But they were concrete molds .But is all the same . John
Terry Kinsey <mccoy@mccoypottery.com> wrote:Carolyn: First make sure you have unlimited funds in the bank. The fee is not excessive, but you would be well advised to engage legal council. And for what? You surely are not going to produce pottery.And it will not stop the fake/repro market. This is all over and above the fact that the U.S. Patent andTrademark Office will more than likely turn an application down after a year of investigation.
Ok How do you go in an apply for ownership of this mark? What does it take to do this I do not have a clue on this stuff. Carolyn
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