[Mccoypottery-talk] Fakes!!!

John Melson jemmelson39@yahoo.com
Wed, 2 Apr 2003 20:26:48 -0800 (PST)

 Hello Patti , i just don't buy what you are saying about that guy had rights to his name ,an better yet i started marking concrete stuff last year an i went though all the legal stuff an if i made a mold from a somebody elses piece or concrete or pottery glass or anything .If it was marked it is illegal to do so an i could get sued an put in jail if i made alot of money on a mold that i made from somebody elses item no matter what the product was .I have the legal froms from the goverment an the laws .The only way i can make a mold an sell the product it has to be my original an my only an not somebody elses.An thats the law .There are big laws for poeple who make molds from somebody eles idea.An if they change the stile of the same name a little different i would think that would be even worse .Are there any fakes that look just like the real McCoy's ?  If so lets put them in there right place .  In jail     John   Oh   ps.i will ahve to go though my paper work an find the exact number of the law in the books .I just when though this last summer .But i wouldn't have thought that poeple would be so foolish to think thay could steal somebody else's ideas   John
 Patti <jplev1@comcast.net> wrote:So
how can they use the McCoy trade mark or name ?

Simple Jenson who is in the same area as fay is a potter Nelson went to
see him he more or less told Nelson tough I own the mark!! This guy did
spend time in Jail but went right back to making this stuff. In 1991
jenson registered that trade mark to won it he started doing copies of
cookie jars as well as new items like stuff made from molds he buys
on ebay and sells them to others as new items he was making them in
his garage he advertises on ebay in his me page that he owns the New
Mccoy Pottery Company!! I emailed him under the guise of asking about
an item he had up for bid an original signed item he made calling it
New Mccoy . I then showed the email to nelson .
This guy is in tennesseee just like faye and the other person
coincidence I don't think so. he has beeen doing this for years . I
checked on that mark yes he did own it but as of 1998 for some
reason he lost ownership if he doesn't know this I don't know why. It
is in the trademark registry as last owner bing Peter Jenson of tenn.
but its classified as Dead no owner. So really anyone can go in and
apply for ownership and register that mark its up for grabs.
This guy lives in tenn but sell throuh a couple in florida using thier
ebay and claiming he lives inflorida I can't quite remember exactly
the user ID I know it had gulftreasues in it but gulf tresures
itself is owned by a legitimate person it may be south gulf o r nothe
gulf I am not sure I tried to find him again but wasn't sucesssful. as
long as he thinks he owns the trademark and ebay believes he does then
they can sell this stuff noboy says its the originl comapny .

Items I have listed On iOffer it's not an auction its better!!
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