[Mccoypottery-talk] Fakes!!!

John Melson jemmelson39@yahoo.com
Wed, 2 Apr 2003 20:51:20 -0800 (PST)

If i make a original if it be concrete or pottery an i put my mane or companys name some where on the product it can never be copied by any body .If they make a mold from one of the pieces i sold an they put their name on it an sell it .One piece or 1000's that is againest the law big time.    you see if you see a piece that isn't marked in any way then it is fair game to anybody in the world to copy an sell that item ,but if it is marked .You can't make a mold of that same piece .If a piece is unmarked with nobody's name or company i can legally make a mold an put my name on the bottom an sell 1000's that is just the law .   John
 Patti <jplev1@comcast.net> wrote:registry is minimal also Jenson got the mark and he wqas an ex con
he I doubt registered it saying he was going to make repos with it.
anyone can register any trademark or name that is no longer owned
even your own name.
you can find out about how and what the laws are here I am giving
you two links you can search by keywords I got what i wanted by
putting in the mccoy pottery co . first link is main page second is

Items I have listed On iOffer it's not an auction its better!!
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