[Mccoypottery-talk] bidding against ppl., etc.

Mark Jennings mjtn@bellsouth.net
Sun, 03 Aug 2003 20:59:13 -0500


I've been thinking about what you wrote re: bidding against people you 
know. I've never thought one thing about doing it, because it would never 
offend me in any way for anyone, no matter who it is, to bid against me. As 
I said in an earlier e-mail, it's the "name of the game" ... to me, anyway.

I bid on an eBay item this weekend (that I want for my own collection - not 
to re-sell) and that bid was "against" someone on this list. I knew that at 
the time, but as I said - I don't *really* think about offending anyone 
because I, myself, wouldn't be offended in the least. Of course, the 
thought does cross your mind that you "know" the person. But if you're 
willing to pay more than the other guy, then more power to ya! :-)  I guess 
I just assume that's the way everyone feels.

Having said all that ..... if I've offended that person, I apologize, and I 
SWEAR I wish I could "undo" it. Even though we're only acquaintances, 
friendship means much more to me than any piece in any collection - any day.

Mark Jennings  

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