[Mccoypottery-talk] 2 ?'s re: McCoy ref. books

Betty F. Nelson bettyfnelson@mchsi.com
Wed, 4 Jun 2003 21:21:10 -0500

Mark I do not have the Sanford book so I can't judge it one way or the
other.  I have the set of 3 and they are very good books but are at the
bottom of my personal favorite books to use.  I have the Huxford?  (don't
know if I spelled that correctly).  I personally like the McCoy Pottery by
Jeffrey B Snyder.  He is from SE. Pa.  I wonder if he lurks and reads us!
He has many things in his books that I never see anywhere else.  The land
mine for instance is not in any of the 3 HNH books.  He has pictures of the
insides of the old factories and with all of the discussions of the fakes
and reproductions that we have had here his photos have never been mentioned
at all.  He has a section on cuspidors and shows the grape cuspisor with no
mark that was made 1925-1950's.  He also shows the bottom of a reproduction
cuspidor.  The bottom plainly says "Authentic McCoy Reproductions Circa
1917.   I don't know how his values compare to other books.  Smiley faces
were being discussed earlier today. He shows Happy face musg and a bowl,1971
$15-20 and the variations Happy face with and without black detailing and a
Smile America (White cup Red smile america mouth blue star eyes) $15-20.  I
do not like the clutter of dog, flowers, kids or anything else that
distracts from the pottery I bought the book to look at.  In this department
I know why I always look at his book first, Snyder has a book of  McCoy
pottery.  I also like the measurements and the mold # given.  Betty the Okie
in Ia.
> Thanks for the responses! :-) But .... nobody wants to answer the above?
> <grin>
> mj
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