[Mccoypottery-talk] Jenson Mccoy

Patti jplev1@comcast.net
Fri, 06 Jun 2003 10:53:00 -0100

 Hey list members ..seems like i have been told off  someone asked if
possibley  the new McCoy  sellers belong to the list  well  yep someone
does .
 I am appaled that  anyone would  in fact  belong to this list to get
inside info from us or watch for buyers  to sell thier  stuff to and
call me  dishonest!! I don't care who this offends  I am posting this
email from  them on  the list  . As an  art pottery dealer and collector
All I wanted was  a simple answer and at the time I  spoke to mr jenson
was about  an  original hand made  vase not marked  as mccoy but artist
signed nothing more  .  The New McCoy is public knowlege has been for
over  10 years   its  online under  trademarks  a federal govenment site
and  on ebay  in an auction post under user stopfaye and on about.com.
This list is for   buyers sellers collectors of  Real Mccoy not   repos
How dare you call  me dishonest  and all the other things in your
email..  I posted a comment to a public forum  nothing was inflamitory .
Members  see below  for  the message I got  after my  post . If the
sender wants to  reply again do it  to  the  list thank you!! as to
this  comment

> Fortunately, not everyone on your list is as deceptive as you
> are, and I appreciate them bringing your antics to my attention.

I really whould love to know who this is  who didn't  have the  courtesy
of  telling me to my face that   my posts were  being  shown  someone
else  and  making me look like an idiot!!
I can't belive we have members or  a member who  would  do this to
our  mebership we call a community and friendship  forum. I am now
rethinking who I can trus and  can't  . If  the members feel I am  this
crazy a person they  describe in this email then I will unsubscribe and
anyone who  can  call me  friend for real can  converse with me
privately.   I  am very  hurt by this  to me its  a stab in my back
and   other  members who care about  each other  and  not just  trying
to make a  buck .

            Re: jenson originals
            Fri, 06 Jun 2003 09:58:32 -0400
            Jensen McCoy <info@jensenmccoy.com>
            Patti <jplev1@comcast.net>

         Mr. Jensen did not respond to your email for a simple reason.
After reading your posts on the McCoy Pottery Collectors email list it
became painfully obvious that you are a very duplicitous person who had
real questions to ask. I have stated the facts to you already, and
you are prepared to accept them is up to you. However, I have a business
help run, and really have no time to play "conspiratorial theory" games
with you. Fortunately, not everyone on your list is as deceptive as you
are, and I appreciate them bringing your antics to my attention.

We have many, many items up for auction under the ID of "jensencmccoy".
There is nothing more sinister happening here than a reproduction
business advertising it's products. I'm sorry that isn't as interesting
you as your imagination.


Items I have listed  On iOffer it's  not an auction its better!!
My eShowcase Collectors Niche & Cheap Eclectic Chic
(shabby   deco retro chic without the high  prices)
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