[Mccoypottery-talk] Brush Mc-Coy Cookie Jars
Fri, 13 Jun 2003 13:48:28 -0500
Just thought I would explain further about these.
The Company, when it was Brush McCoy, NEVER made cookie jars. NEVER EVER.
If you see a jar marked BRUSH-MCCOY
it's a fake, reproduction, copy, etc. Don't even bother asking -- it's
fake, believe me.
Brush made cookie jars. McCoy made cookie jars. But never when they were
together in the early part of the 20th century. Repeat Never!
As to the Humpty Dumpty with Beanie jar. The jar shown has been widely
reproduced, it's been reproduced marked Brush-McCoy,
it's been reproduced marked McCoy, it's also been reproduced marked Brush.
AND it's also been "re-issued" by Department 56, but is smaller and clearly
marked Dept. 56.
If a jar is marked correctly, it can be very difficult to tell from
pictures if it is a reproduction. Sometimes there will be a little
difference that can make it clear, but other times it's very hard to tell.
To make it even more difficult, many of the Brush molds were sold and the
exact molds Brush used were later used to make jars by individuals. This
just muddies the waters.
In the auction mentioned regarding the Brush w/Beanie jar. The mark is
shown as W /8 and in the books it says the jar should be marked
W 18. The reason for this is -- the actual mark sort of looks like a
/ instead of a l . I have one of these jars myself and checked it again
the l is slightly angled.
Now... for a bit of trivia -- read my next note.
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