[Mccoypottery-talk] Check out eBay item 2621143635 (Ends Mar-19-03 18:45:45 PST ) - McCOY RARE PU

M. Caudill mcaudill@kih.net
Mon, 17 Mar 2003 22:58:01 -0500

In the past year I've bought over 100 items by internet.  Six were damaged =
or totally lost (2).  On four of them, I filed the insurance claim thru the=
 post office and recovered everything but the cost of the insurance.  On an=
other, the seller claimed the S&P were in the original box but when it arri=
ved, the box was crushed.  I had sent money to cover insurance, but he didn=
't buy it.  I NEVER give feedback on eBay until I've checked out the mercha=
ndise, so I contacted him and we worked it out with him sending me another =
boxed set as replacement.  The other item described "two small chips" but I=
 counted over seven when it arrived (some new).  I contacted them and asked=
 for a price adjustment.  They said to send it back for a refund.  I did, a=
nd they filed the USPS claim as if it had been damaged on the return shippi=

To file a USPS claim, you have to have a receipt and the ORIGINAL green ins=
urance receipt.  Most times, small post offices where they know the cutomer=
s are more friendly than the large mega-centers.  Mine is so small, the pos=
tmaster had to dig thru two piles of forms to find her claim filing materia=
ls.  I think I was the first one in months.

Keep ordering, but use the feedback;  save your paperwork and file claims w=
hen you have to.  You usually don't recover everything, but you don't lose =
as much.  I still like yard sales best - you see the material, you get bett=
er prices, and there's no postage.

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