[Mccoypottery-talk] HI

Patti jplev1@comcast.net
Tue, 18 Mar 2003 23:38:56 -0200

John hubby is just frugal he was laid off  from a job that  the company
moved was hired  10 weeks ago by another who   promised  him a  6 figure
income with incentives  and he   oversaw the  operatiosn of two  very
well know  electrmics companies   on the 9th week the  owner  came to
him ansd  told him  after  he had  spent  9 week gettign the co  on its
feet and into the  21st century and  up to lean manufaturing standards
the  owners  said  I can't afford to keep you either I have to lay you
off or six other people  who have been with me a liong time. so My
Hubby chose  to take the layoff  and is now  looking  for  another job.
He is a good man  but gre wup  very  poor  in a very large family  we
are actually  (  big gasp from the crowd  ) common law   LOL.  for  23
years now  he will come around   when  he is able  he  bhad just
bocontracted to buy   the other car  for case with part of his
severance   he got from the previous job  so it  put a bite in his
savings so I am going to  try and  get to selling  as much and as  quick
as I can  so  I can help him  buy the car  and insurance this time
usually he  took care of all of that  since  my  income is so small.
sometimes I  type things that  don't sound  all to good  becasue I
foreget to read them before sending them off LOL.  and  yeah  he  is a
little nuts sometimes when he  is worried  or stressed . but aren't we

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