[Mccoypottery-talk] Hi guys

Patti jplev1@comcast.net
Thu, 20 Mar 2003 11:41:21 -0200

yes  but  the  bobbie baker  is still a cookie jar the  hottest item
faked . anyone care to try and register  a trademark  LOL doing so
applying for that mark  would  really  put a wrench in that  forgers
works  and maybe  Mr. J  who is the main  repo  of faker who  claims he
owns  the "new" McCoy company  will  go back to jail where he belongs .
these  peopele and Mr J (ebay seller  gulftreaures  which is not his
real  state or  account it  is  someone who is fronting for him from
florida  he is in tennesse and  spent time in jail for  this stuff.
these rotten people have really hurt  and made it very hard on  the
McCoy family.
they have been to Tenn  to  mr J's  garage here he  makes the fakes and
were told oh well too bad  you can't  do  a thing to me I am not using
your marks   nobdy now  can use  Nelsons  Marks or HIs name in thier
posts  if they do they can be  reported to ebay unless of course they
are  ebay paltinum power seller then forget it
 I  have nothing against power seller I know  quite a few who  also
agree thaere shuldn't be any  double standered or extra pers   for
lining ebays pockets and  helping me  buy   new cars  sit on stock
exchane  and brokers boards  . .
If ebay  did you wrong  and you are no longer a registered user   you
can   sue.
Items I have listed  On iOffer it's  not an auction its better!!
My eShowcase Collectors Niche & Cheap Eclectic Chic
(shabby   deco retro chic without the high  prices)
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