[Mccoypottery-talk] it's people like you

carolyn graves curly_stoner@yahoo.com
Mon, 12 May 2003 10:18:06 -0700 (PDT)

Chiquita I personally would like a say thank you for all the information that you give us.(I love your website you have 2 pieces on there that I would just die for.)You have to be one of the most informed person on this site. You are right about educating new collecters I"m what I consider a new colletor only been doing it about 2 or 3 yrs I do not have the collection that some of them do, but this list help me to know what  to look for in a piece of McCoy. I listen to everything that all of you have to say and I read what books that I have, but all the books aren't going to teach everything we need to know. So please don't think that your knowledge is not needed or wanted here. With all the fakes that are floating around we need all the knowledge that you have and anyone else on here have. Elizabeth you are so right about the apology, I just can't imagine anyone laughing their a** at what Chiquita has to say. If we do not educate people then they are going to keep buying these things and that is just going to keep Faye and Jenson in bussiness.  I thought this site was made for us to learn from one another. Thanks to all of you for everything. Carolyn

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