[Mccoypottery-talk] Re: I suppose I should feel honored

Patti jplev1@comcast.net
Tue, 27 May 2003 22:38:01 -0100

I  am confused  somehoe I missed  something  Chiquita what were you
replying to whn You wrote Please do . ? I  don't think i got  the
original email . I agree  comments  off topic  sould  stay  off  the
talk list .
Anyway  I said I would post  what Nelson said to me  that  was not  to
me  personally but on the subject of  fakes   to me  he is  such an
amazing and gentle soul and  very humorous in how he  handled  it when
he saw fakes  in places.
 Hope this gets us all back on  a better note . Its ad to see flaming
on  the  list.
 Please have a look at  this  witty reply  from nelson to  one of my
emails  I asked  if he remembered Jenson  user ID on ebay he didn't but
thats ok this  is so much better to me made me fell  good to laugh. I
really wish  we could be going to Ohio  this year for the  festivities
but  things happen I  will  hope to get to  meet with all next time. I
/we are trying to plan on going  out  that way  later  on our way to
indiana  to see  family , so hopefuly I will get to  have lunch with
Nelson and Billie . Patti

**Dear Patti, Sorry to say I have no savings that would get either one
of us
an address on Jenson. Twenty years ago I was so upset about Jenson that
Billie and I drove down to see his operation. At that time it was about
size of two garages, so what can you do. I wrote sme letters and one
retailer threatened to sue me saying he would sell what he wanted and to

whomever he pleased. When we used to travel we stopped at many retail
antique outlets, and if I saw a fake I would yell to Billie saying lets
out of here this fellow may be selling knockoffs of all his products.
worked bettre when there were other customers around. Once I protested
at an
outside festival and the man was never invited to show there again. I
bet he
did however. Laura and Carol have done the most but it still continues
has hurt the value of mccoy cookie jars.
(next bit was  just personal note for  me).  May this year bring you
much happiness. Nelson
Items I have listed  On iOffer it's  not an auction its better!!
My eShowcase Collectors Niche & Cheap Eclectic Chic
(shabby   deco retro chic without the high  prices)
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