[Mccoypottery-talk] Faye and Roger Jensen

Kevin kreffitt@pbtcomm.net
Sat, 08 Nov 2003 21:26:06 -0500

(If this posts twice, I'm sorry...sent it from my other mail account)

Well guys....I need some help.

We all know the frustration of trying to deal with the Fayes of eBay, and
all the fakes in the antique malls.  It's maddening, but Faye is just a
seller.  She buys these jars from others, and we know where the majority of
the jars come from:

Roger Jensen & Larry Martin

As most of you all have guessed by now, I worked for Roger Jensen as his
production manager, and my wife is "Mrs. Source" as referred to in Chiquita
Prestwood's article on Roger Jensen.  She served as his Marketing/Sales
Manager.  We both left his association once we figured out this creep was
just that...a creep.  We thought we could change things, but he's rotten to
the core.

SO...we have been working on stopping him for the last three months...law
suites, reporting him to just about every state agency known to man, and
even appealed to the town administration.  In this last point is where we
need your help.

The mayor of Wagener has been made aware of Roger's dealings, but refuses to
move on this matter.  He feels that this is no big deal, and he doesn't hear
any one else complaining but myself and Michelle.  He feels that this is
just a personal vendetta against Roger because he didn't pay us, or our
minor child, or at least ten other people in town so far.  He doesn't seem
to feel that the fake cookie jars hurt anyone.

Let Mayor Steve hear YOUR voices.  Write him at the address below, and share
with him your stories about all the people that have been hurt by this man.
Let him know your own personal stories about how this man's products have
diluted a fine collectibles market with low quality trash!  Let him know
that NO town should sponsor, and allow a crook like this to operate his
immoral business when they have the power to deny him the ability to

You guys really don't know the extent that this guy will go to rip us off.
He has been using the State Vocational Rehabilitation Department's training
program to get 30 days of free labor from disabled people, and then when the
training period is over, and it's time for him to start PAYING these people,
he fires them.  Over and over and over...this is ONE of his MOs.  He pays NO
one, not his venders, not his employees, not his taxes, not even his eBay
fees.  He uses EVERYONE up, and then bolts when the tab gets too large.

Help us stop him NOW, before any more locals are hurt, before another
legitimate vender is ripped off, before another cookie jar is made.

Write our Mayor at:

Wagener Town Hall
113 Railroad Ave.
Wagener, SC 29164
Attn: Mayor Steve Carver

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