[Mccoypottery-talk] Painted pieces

Cocamojo40@aol.com Cocamojo40@aol.com
Sun, 9 Nov 2003 11:20:33 EST

I have a Mccoy Thinking Puppy cookie jar that has the eyes, nose, and tongue 
painted. I've also seen this jar with no painting at all. Also, my sister 
purchased an upside down bear cookie jar that has eyes painted on it, but again, 
I've seen this without painting. Does Mccoy sometimes paint their jars and 
sometimes not, or do individual owners paint the jars themselves? I think my 
sister's bear might have been painted by someone other than Mccoy because it 
doesn't look like the same quality of paint that is on my Thinking Puppy. Is there a 
way to remove the paint without damaging the cookie jar, or should she leave 
it as is?


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