[Mccoypottery-talk] Info from Congressman

Trey Triggs trey2558@yahoo.com
Fri, 21 Nov 2003 22:05:04 -0600 (Central Standard Time)

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I told you before I left that I wrote my Congressman about the Fayes and
Rogers in the world.  I got a letter from him.  In a nutshell, he gave me a
release form for him to contact the US Patent Office (I told him that McCoy
isn't registered) and the Department of Commerce.  I'm going to complete the
form and attach a document of information, examples of the counterfeit
pieces, and probably the MSNBC article about fakes.  I am completely and
utterly appalled by these counterfeits.  Again if the record and movie
industries can sue for pirated copies of their merchandise (although you can
record off of a radio and TV), a quality, authentic piece of merchandise
should be  protected.=0D
I encourage you to contact your representative and do the same.  No one
should be ripped off (those dog dishes always get my blood boiling) and an
authentic piece should be able to be enjoyed for what it is and meant to be
-- a great piece of art.=0D
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