[Mccoypottery-talk] Hi y'all

Mark Jennings mjtn@charter.net
Tue, 07 Oct 2003 21:07:28 -0500

I've been pretty much inactive for a while. I've had a lot going on. A 
death in the family, a move (again!) and then my 16 y.o. daughter had a car 
wreck on her way to work one day when an older lady turned left in front of 
her! {:-|   It totalled her car, but she'll be fine - she has a badly 
sprained ankle, but it's not broken - then, some seat belt and air bag 
"burns" and a big nose from the air bag slapping her in the face, but thank 
God she's not seriously hurt, and neither is the older lady.

I planned on writing more than this to get back in touch with a lot of you 
and to get back in the grove of the list, but this is going to be a short 
note to tell y'all about a friends listing (her first ever) on eBay.  She 
(and I, of course) would appreciate it if y'all would check it out. It's 3 
McCoy mugs. She listed them as "Greystone" - and they may be! -- but I'm 
not sure about that. Anyway, I *do* know they're the real thing. (I took 
the digital pics for her and then sent them to her e-mail so she could list 
them).  I should have checked them out for her in my books myself to be 
sure that that's what they are (greystone) but I didn't ... no time ... 
played all the music for the funeral, and now have to play for a big 
wedding this Sat., and practicing every day this week with the local high 
school chorus for a musical that they're doing next Tue. night (my kids are 
in the chorus so I'm kind of expected to do this) ......... My head is 
spinning! ... hope this e-mail makes sense.


thanks, y'all ......... oh yeah - note my address change. I used to be 
mjtn@bellsouth.net --- now, it's charter.net


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