[Mccoypottery-talk] incised? or not?

McCoyPottery.com List Mom listmom@mccoypottery.com
Sun, 12 Oct 2003 21:44:25 -0500

On Sunday, October 12, 2003, at 09:06 PM, CATMADDIL@aol.com wrote:

> Hi, I'm a somewhat new collector to McCoy, and am quite confused on 
> the mark on the bottom of the cookie jars, are they supposed to be 
> incised or not? I have the lamb, which isn't, the penguin, and mammy 
> that are? PLEASE help! Thanks so much, Cathy
They are both ways actually.. However, typically the artisan who 
designed a given jar would find that through the glazing process an 
"incised" mark would fill with glaze and most times would be all but 
non-existent. So having the mark raised tends to be the most 
predominant since the lettering can actually be seen and is not 
affected the by the glazing.  In some cases when looking at a piece of 
McCoy Pottery, when you find one you would swear is a McCoy and you go 
looking for a mark, if it was incised in many cases you can just barely 
make out the faint notion of the mark.  A lot of fakes are done this 
way, but it does not take long to tell the difference as the fakers 
tend to try to create this look purposely where as the real McCoy was a 
complete accident and a product of the glazing process used.

For most everything you would want to know about the mark and the 
various marks and periods they were used go to:


The List Mom
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