[Mccoypottery-talk] Interesting item on eBay web site
item# 3719925721: McCoy Cookie Jar
Tue, 27 Apr 2004 15:28:12 -0500
Well, she's a very nice lady. She sent me 2 (two!) letters. Here they are:
Thank you so much for passing this information on to me. I purchased it
from on line last year just because it was listed as a McCoy; as a matter
of fact I still have a copy of the listing and the purchase receipt. The
information I entered came from that listing. Thank you so much for
passing this information on to me and I will take her off right away. I am
a very honest person, and would never lie about something knowingly. I
have a good reputation with eBay and would like to keep it that
way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would never try something like that; it is
the same as stealing. Thanks to people like yourself who are in the know
for helping those of us who are not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Any time you see
something that I have listed and it is wrong please feel free to contact
me, I only want to do what is right. Thank you again for your email, I
feel I can never thank you enough, so please keep watching, and! thanks for
any help you can offer!!!!!!!!!
Yours in Christ,
Thank you so much for calling this to my attention. I had no idea!! I
purchased her some time ago off of eBay and I used the same listing to do
mine. ( Shows my ignorence ) I have taken her off, because I would not
want to do something like that to another person! Thank you so much for
contacting me in time to stop the possible sale!!! I only had 53 minutes
and it would have been too late. Thank God for honest people who come to
the aid of the innocent, like myself. No one would have believed me after
the sale when questioned about whether or not she was a fake. Thank God I
save a copy of all the items I buy from eBay and now I can confront the
person I purchased it from, not that it will do any good. It has though,
taught me a lesson, investigate an item instead of taking someone elses
word. Thank you again, you will never know how much it ment to me for you
to contact me in time to stop the sale!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yours in Christ,
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