[Mccoypottery-talk] off-topic

Mark Jennings mjtn@charter.net
Fri, 24 Dec 2004 13:24:17 -0600

My grandmother is back home recuperating from the broken ribs and doing 
much, much better.  I'm going to her house now.  Most everybody from that 
side of the family is able to get together at her house this Christmas Eve 
like always.  Everybody keep warm!  We had a lot of ice here night before 
last.  A lot of it's gone now, but it's still dangerous in some of the 
rural areas where there was no salting and especially those areas of the 
roads that basically get no direct sun all day.  Thank goodness we didn't 
lose electricity.  We know what that's about as it's happened here before, 
but not this time.

Merry Christmas!


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