[Mccoypottery-talk] Blue things

david mcCoy damitboy@yahoo.com
Fri, 2 Jul 2004 12:31:55 -0700 (PDT)

 I saw the free boxes on the website listed earlier,
pretty neat I must say. I am going to the PO right now
to mail some ebay items and will ask them about the
boxes. I'll let ya'll know what they say when I
return. Speaking of blue things... I have a very
pretty Avon bath or lotion bottle with a bowl
underneath, stands about 5 inches high and is sort of
a swirl blue, light and medium blue. It has what
appears to be roses, but I am not a green thumb. Is is
pretty ornate. It came from my moms house. if anyone
is interested, let me know. I can send pics upon

--- ELIZABETH VAUGHN <revaughn@webtv.net> wrote:
> How can we look at the free boxes?  Barb,  I have a
> weakness for blue
> pottery myself. I have often bought a piece of
> something blue because I
> liked it and hoped to identify it.  Once in a while
> I am successful.
> Elizabeth
> My eBay: 
> http://members.ebay.com/aboutme/wyandotkid/
> My web site: 
> http://collectalotshop.com/lizspostcardsandthings/
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