[Mccoypottery-talk] Re:Jensen McCoy link
Loretta A. Payne-Nelson
Wed, 07 Jul 2004 02:02:40 -0400
I wrote a letter too.
david mcCoy wrote:
>Hello everyone,
>I have to say that I have only been a member of this
>list for a few months. Had I known what was going on
>with the letter writing campaign, I would have gladly
>been invloved and if it ever comes up again, ya'll can
>count me in!!!
>Dave--- Kevin Reffitt <kreffitt@pbtcomm.net> wrote:
>>Sorry, I got a little peeved there.
>>No, the site he had at jensenmccoy.com was really
>>ours. We paid for, and
>>was never reimbursed for, a site that featured his
>>"new" products under the
>>Jensen McCoy mark. When we left, we took the site
>>down. He had a presence
>>at http://www.wholesalecentral.com , but it looks
>>like he's gone from there
>>Chiquita, this is not directed at you, but to the
>>list in general. Last
>>year I was involved in a major battle with the City
>>of Wagener over it's
>>unwillingness to do anything about Roger and his
>>business. Not only was he
>>hurting the collector, but he was taking advantage
>>of the local people. I
>>posted on this list just a few things that he was
>>involved in, like abusing
>>handicapped individuals, and violating child labor
>>The mayor of Wagener refused to hear our plea to do
>>something about this
>>jerk, saying that he doesn't see the harm Roger was
>>causing with his
>>product (he completely ignored the mounting evidence
>>of his local
>>abuses). I had a GREAT idea, and asked for the help
>>of this list. I
>>provided a mailing address to the Town of Wagener,
>>and asked the list
>>members to write our mayor and explain just HOW
>>Roger was hurting the
>>collectors. I asked that not only THEY write, but
>>pass the word on to
>>others that might want to help.
>>The mayor received, by my count, ONE (1) letter.
>>Here we had a chance to make a difference, to really
>>do something about the
>>problem, and we cast our chance aside. We had a
>>chance to take a stab at
>>the heart of the fake market, and failed ourselves.
>>We will NEVER make a difference going after the ebay
>>seller that sells
>>Roger's jars. They can buy these jars at quite a
>>few wholesale outlets.
>>and are just selling what is available to them.
>>Can't blame them for
>>trying to make a buck in this economy. The blame
>>falls on the manufacturer
>>that scratches McCoy on the bottom of his jars, and
>>now the blame falls on us.
>>If we are unwilling to even take a few moments out
>>of our lives to write a
>>real, stamp on the envelope, business class letter,
>>then fingering the end
>>seller is pointless.
>>This is why I haven't started the series of articles
>>I promised. I've been
>>feeling like nobody really cares, except for
>>gossip's sake.
>>Getting off soapbox....
>>At 12:36 PM 7/5/04, you wrote:
>>>I know that Kevin, does he have a site that can be
>>used for identification
>>>of what he's producing?
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