[Mccoypottery-talk] off topic (need suggestions)

Mark Jennings mjtn@charter.net
Fri, 16 Jul 2004 21:53:16 -0500

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You're right, Julia.  But you can leave a "response" to their 
feedback.  You can even leave a "response to their response."

I've only neg'd someone once.  I received some broken pottery from a lady 
one time who hadn't bought the insurance after I had paid for it.  (I'll 
never understand why someone likes to pocket the ins. money.  It was only 
$1.30!).  Anyway - she couldn't produce the receipt, of course, and she got 
real ugly when I emailed a pic of the broken piece and asked her to refund 
my money, so I neg'd her.  She then responded to my neg, something to the 
effect of, "Buyer has his purchases mixed up!  Check my previous excellent 
feedback!"  I responded (to her response) ..... "Nope.  I can prove it with 
pics."  She had actually already left positive feedback for me as soon as 
she received my payment, even before I received the item - which is the way 
it should be, right?  But ... I wonder if she has ever done *that* again?


p.s.  thanks for the prayers, everybody who said one when I asked for 
it.  My daughter and I made it back safe and sound from our New York\New 
England trip.

>..... I was afraid to leave negative feedback  .....When you leave a 
>negative feedback they get the last word and can make it sound like they 
>did everything in their power to make you happy  and you just won't accept 
>an appology.  I have seen feedback like that.  Julia

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