[Mccoypottery-talk] Brush-McCoy...assistance please :)

Olivia Sundby horseluvnhonee@yahoo.com
Mon, 8 Mar 2004 10:36:20 -0800 (PST)

Hi folks,
Well....hope everyone is doing well!  I've really enjoyed reading all the messages thus far and am very glad that I've joined this wonderful group.  This last weekend...we went out and bought two McCoy books....the ones by Neissen err whatever...and they are great!  I guess though....i didn't really realize that the majority of the pottery in the books is from the 40's and on.  Since my hubby and I would like to collect things from the early 1910's thru the 20's...do you think that Brush-McCoy would be a better bet for us??  I'm assuming so...since those are the very years that Brush-McCoy existed..right?  Are the Brush_McCoy pieces harder to find?  Are they more expensive?  And finally...I see that there are three or more books out on just Brush-McCoy...which one would you all recommend?  We would like a complete book with the majority of the easier to find items...also descriptions of the items and the bottom mark.  Sorry to be such a pest...but like I've said...we are very new to
 this and want to become "better collectors....  On a side note....if anyone ever makes it to Eau Claire, WI...there is a little antique shop that we visited this last weekend...they seemed to have a ton of McCoy stuff.  Of course we stopped there before we got the books....so we didn't really have a clue..lol.
Ok...better go...

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