[Mccoypottery-talk] Interstate Trade 2

Trey Triggs trey2287@hotmail.com
Mon, 29 Mar 2004 18:12:11 -0600 (Central Standard Time)

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For example, do a simple search on Ebay for Mammy McCoy (which, depending on
the type, are valued $100 - $1000) and you will receive numerous hits =96 I
would argue that over 90% of them are counterfeit or fake.  They are listed
as authentic, but the measurements elude that they were made from a mold of
an original, the cold paint is off, and there are gross deformities.=20
Another example is the 1935 McCoy dog dish: this is being reproduced at an
alarming rate and offered at a Wholesale Website =96 with incorrect glazing
and measurements =96 but listed as a McCoy.  Hull=92s Little Red Riding Hood
Cookie Jar is being created as a McCoy, but McCoy never made one.  The list
goes on and on.=0D
 One Ebay dealer: Roger Jensen was removed from Ebay (we don=92t know if Eb=
did it or if it was through other outside sources).  Regardless, he claims
his products are from the =93New McCoy=94 Company.  Other dealers boast on =
authentic pieces, and keep seller and buyer information private.=0D
 Please advise us on what you can do, or what we can do.  We=92ve contacted=
 businesses, people, etc, and seem to be talking to the wall.  We can=92t a=
fford to patent it ourselves.  It is disgusting that these clearly illegiti=
mate products are allowed to be produced and marketed in our land.
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