[Mccoypottery-talk] Fayes feedback, why?

McCoyPottery.com List Mom listmom@mccoypottery.com
Sat, 1 May 2004 08:35:26 -0500

On May 1, 2004, at 6:46 AM, Ohio Pottery & Glassware wrote:

> The "real" reason eBay has private bidders is not to cloak the Faye's 
> of
> this world with privacy but for a totally different reason.
> I've done a couple of auctions with private bidders when I knew that 
> the
> buyers all know each other and won't bid against each other.  This 
> keeps
> them from knowing in advance (without actually emailing all their 
> friends)
> who is bidding on an item.  It actually brings the prices up to me as a
> seller.
> The 2nd scenario is even better....  I know several people who will 
> NOT bid
> on something until the last minute because many people follow their 
> "buyers"
> list.  When they bid on something everyone else would too knowing it 
> to be a
> good piece (blenko glass which is unmarked is a good example).
> But the Faye's of this world have ruined the private bidders thing 
> totally.

You've lost me.. I still do not understand the concept.  The feedback 
is private, that is the problem.  I've never bid on a private auction 
and never would.  There is always something to hide, or it looks to me 
when I see "private".  I just do not grasp the concept.

The List Mom
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