[Mccoypottery-talk] Hull LRRH CJ
david mcCoy
Thu, 13 May 2004 13:36:04 -0700 (PDT)
I am really looking foward to this. I just started
collecting a few months ago, and have learned so much
from the kind folks that are part of this list. When I
started, needless to say, I bought a repro jar, but
thanks to many on this list,I now have a much more
discriminating eye and direction. I have about 50
pieces now and to my knowlegde, only one is a fake.
Again, thanks to all, and Kevin, I am really looking
foward to this.
--- Kevin Reffitt <kreffitt@pbtcomm.net> wrote:
> This is the kind of discussion I love. We learn
> from it, and everyone
> benefits.
> The jar is real. Aside from the decals, which are
> perfect, look at the
> picture of the side view of the head. If you look
> carefully, you can see
> the edge of the screening used for the red cape
> painting process. Fired
> reds today are not sprayed like this, as the edges
> will "grey out". Cold
> painted hoods are brush painted, and have a sharper
> edge.
> Another tell tale point is the brown translucent
> paint used on the feet
> (which by the way is a cold paint). Most repros and
> fakes use either black
> (most common), or red.
> Jennifer, if you EVER see those decals again, let me
> know. I don't believe
> what you saw were the real ones; I've been looking
> for those for over a
> year. I mean, really looking. I even talked to
> most of the companies that
> do custom and repro decals, and as far as I can
> tell, they've never been
> redone.
> Anyways, I'll think on how I wan to present some
> instructive
> information. I'm thinking I can cover the most
> pertinent issues under
> about four topics. Then I can offer some good
> filler info. If anyone
> would like to then compile this stuff and archive
> it, please feel free.
> Quick note. Just to qualify myself a bit. For
> those of you that know,
> this will be a reminder.
> My name is Kevin Reffitt, and my wife is Michelle.
> I worked as Roger
> Jensen's "Production Manager" last summer, and
> Michelle was our Marketing
> Director. I am a mold maker and a ceramicist.
> Michelle was previously a
> doll artist and sculptor, when she wasn't working as
> a software
> engineer. Michelle and I started our own shop when
> we left Roger last
> August. We HATE fakes, and are disgusted by those
> who peddle them.
> I'll try to focus my discussions to McCoy pieces,
> but if I can show a point
> better in another piece, I'll use that one instead.
> Thanks!
> Kevin
> At 04:11 PM 5/12/04, you wrote:
> >I still think that the jar that said it was
> restored is a fake. I saw the
> >decals for sale somewhere last year so they are
> available. I believe it was
> >in the Hull category on eBay. Also Regal made the
> Old McDonald series which
> >goes beautifully with the LRRH pieces as well.
> Colors are the same and
> >everything!
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