[Mccoypottery-talk] eMcCoy FREE McCoyPottery.Com email
McCoyPottery.com List Mom
Thu, 18 Nov 2004 23:56:55 -0600
eMcCoy is just about ready to launch.. Finally!
For those of you that do not know, eMcCoy is a new kind of webmail,
built specifically for McCoy Pottery Lovers.
You can choose from one of the following FREE McCoy Pottery email
Your email address would be whatever you want, (assuming it is not
your-name@mccoypottery.com for instance!
To find out more or view the eMcCoy web site visit:
To see the functionality and beta interface go to
http://www.mccoypottery.com/email use the following user/pass:
user: emccoy@mccoypottery.com
pass: emccoy
Or you can visit the webmail interface directly at:
Again this service is COMPLETELY FREE!!! It is still in beta but ready
for prime time. The sign up interface is not yet active so you will
have to email us in oder to get an account set up. We hope to have the
online sign up running in the next week or so. We should also have
other features added shortly including a web calendar, planner, and
We have also added a eMail Support section to our forums at:
We encourage you all to take advantage of this opportunity to have a
personalized McCoy Pottery eMail address! Again, FREE!!!!!
The List Mom
McCoy Pottery Online
e-mail: listmom@mccoypottery.com
List Server: http://www.mccoypottery.com/mailinglists
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