[Mccoypottery-talk] Thanksgiving!!!!
elizabeth custer
Thu, 25 Nov 2004 18:42:00 -0800 (PST)
amen... I have been feeling sorry for myself because my husband is deployed and the four kids and I are all alone. Thank you for the reminder...
Mark Jennings <mjtn@charter.net> wrote:Hello everybody,
I'd sincerely like to wish everybody a happy Thanksgiving, too. Like many
others, I enjoyed the food and fun today. And McQuita, I appreciate you
reminding us of the real deal. To me, the real meaning of Thanksgiving is
that this is the day to "officially recognize" that all good things come
from above. I'm so thankful for my faith, great kids, a great family, good
health, I'm not a pauper, and I live in a free country. And I pray I'll
become more and more thankful, and never, ever take any good thing for
granted. I had a great time with my family today at lunch. ("Dinner" to
those of us here in the southeast). Now, I'm going over for supper with
some old friends who are here in Tennessee, visiting from Florida.
I hope y'all don't mind if I get "personal" ...
We've all got something to be thankful for, even my 85 year old grandmother
who got hurt. Last week, she was hanging some draperies in her house (...
I call them "sheers" ??). She was walking with the rod held high above
her head (but not high enough, apparently) and tripped on one of them and
fell onto the corner of her coffee table and broke 2 ribs. After 2 days in
the hospital and some tests, she's now in the nursing home. *NOT* for good
- but for therapy of some sort. I stopped by to visit her again today, and
she's still in good spirits. Last week, she said that as soon as she fell,
she thanked the Lord that she didn't hurt/break her hip - or back - or
neck. When I've visited her there in the nursing home, she says something
about "all these poor, pitiful people who have to stay here for the rest of
their days. I feel so sorry for them."
Of course, broken bones are painful. But - broken ribs for an 85 year
old?! It *has* to be very frustrating when taking more than a shallow
breath is very painful. And speaking of frustration ..... anyone who has
to push a button - and then wait, sometimes several minutes - every time
you need to "go" is very inconvenient, to say the least. But she's got
such a good attitude. I can tell it's very difficult for her, but she's in
very good spirits, and *I* think it's because she CHOOSES to be. That's
the way she's always been. Of course, she has had times in life when it
was impossible not to cry, etc., but ....... I'll just sum this up with
something I've learned by observing her life, as well as a few other
people. Some of the best ways of coping with bad times are; 1).
prayer 2). helping others who are worse off, and 3). finding something to
laugh about even when you feel like screaming your lungs out.
I just said all of this to remind everyone that we can always be thankful
because there are always people who are worse off, no matter how bad things
Mark J.
>I bet they do smell good! Mom does the baking here, brother fries the
>turkey, I do the side dishes. I have a corn casserole in the oven now, in
>my Shawnee corn casserole dish no less, LOL. Dont know if ya'll know who
>Paula Deen is, has a show on food tv. Its one of here recipes, rated 5
>stars. I'll let ya'll know how it tastes tomorrow, LOL
>Have a nice evening.
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