[Mccoypottery-talk] Cookie Jar Show

mccoy@mccoypottery.com mccoy@mccoypottery.com
Fri, 15 Oct 2004 17:11:44 -0500 (CDT)

Hello Barb:
Would that I could. I would love to come as it would be a reason to visit
my mother in Texas, which I do not get to do as often I would like but I
am saddled to the desk and the daily responsibility here a Bella Mia
http://www.hostdrive.com/  I look forward to the photos and dialogue after
the show. Cheers!  Terry

> The list has been a little quiet, so I thought I would just remind anyone
> that is within driving distance about The Cookie Jar Club show in
> Oklahoma City next weekend.
> We will be a part of the Buchanans Antiques and Collectibles Market,
> always
> a good show with lots of folks. We will have several dealers strictly
> selling jars, along with a bunch of jars and other stuff from the other
> dealers.
> We will have door prizes all day long, Don Winton will be there on
> Saturday
> to sign any of his items, lots of information will be given out as well as
> some other goodies.
> If you live close enough to come, and need more information, let me know
> or
> check out the cookiejar club web site.
> http://cookiejarclub.com
> ~barb
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401 Host Drive
Lake Geneva, WI  53147

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